Previous releases
napp-it 0.9 f6
Dez 22,2015
Support for OI Hipster
Nov 19
napp-it Pro: Security panel to block/ pass based on interface, service and ip/ local networks
Okt 16
NVMe support (for Illumos 151014 september+, driver must be installed manually: via pkg install nvme)
tested with Intel NVMe
Sep 18
setup netcat in cases that the initial setup fails (in menu extensions > appliance group)
Aug 05
replication fix added to Linux edition
Aug 04
fix a problem with replication on sender side when multiple replications are initiated at the same time
fix a problem with replication not terminating (message 241, replication terminated or not running)
Jul 23
fix a problem with autosnap and keek n days
Jul 22
monitor extension: allow vnic and vlans over aggregations
Jul 14
security enhancement: restrict access to a management interface (napp-it listening only on one interfaces)
if you enable this feature in about settings and you are locked out,
you must remove -L x.x.x.x option in /etc/init.d/napp-it
and restart napp-it via /etc/init.d/napp-it restart. If you upgrade or downgrade napp-it you must re-enable this setting.
Jun 12
monitor/sas extension: backplane/slot detection with concurrent use of SAS2 and SAS3 HBAs
added support for Pushalot (push service for Windows 8.1+, Windows Phone, free)
backup-jobs, failed to create a backup filesystem on first run
menu system-log-rpool filesystems
menu system-log-rpool folders (top 50 folders/ used space)
Jun 02
security fix: mini-httpd/ Solaris/Illumos updated to v 1.21 ( http://osvdb.org/118378 )
May 28
TLS mail error abbout SSL_v3 fixed
May 06
monitor extension: page reload not working
OmniOS 151014: parted is missing, installed separately
new autojob: backup napp-it
delete only autosnap with size=0
disk remove: spare
login: show login page after login om Crome
include parted for OmniOS 151014
infotext about (ref)res
Do not start websocketserver on Linux to avoid unwanted console warnings
napp-it 0.9 f5
May 28
TLS mail error abbout SSL_v3 fixed
May 05
monitor extension: page reload not working
Mar 06
Comstar New menu for initiator settings to build iSCSI storage heads
Mar 27
Include an ESXi hot-memory snap in every ZFS snap working with ESXi6
Mar 31
Menu Jobs >> ESXi hotsnaps: bugfix with more than one ESXi server
Apr 14
Security: improved password hashing with md5 and 8 char salt value
Security: sessions are limited to current day and the host that initiates the session
Security: sessions are limited to user agent that initiates the session
Security: single use session id (current id is valid for 60s to allow a page reload)
Security: websocket sessions use their own session id to allow multi-window viewing
Apr 22
Load CSS on login after a session expires
Show correct timer settings in autojob overview
Show correct Last value in job-overview after first run
On Login-Problems (example after an downgrade to a former release):
delete value_adminpw
in /var/web-gui/_log/napp-it.cfg (or delete this file)
0.9f5 includes a stronger password hashing that is not compatible with napp-it 0.9f4 and earlier. Delete PW prior a downgrade.
On Login-Problems (example after an downgrade to a former release): delete /var/web-gui/_log/napp-it.cfg (settings)
napp-it 0.9 f4
Dez 28, 2014
Cap monitor shows tmpfs usage
Job-Overview: detailled log of last run
Menu System-Network IB settings (first betatest)
Log-Overview of last 50 jobs, logging problem fixed (missing logs)
Replication: new timer settings: 7+19; 7+13+19
new job: push service via Pushover (Alerts to your smartphone)
fixed a bug with jobs not starting
Jan, 07
disk replace: shows double entries on missing disks
Jan, 09
new feature: autosnap: create ZFS snaps with ESXi hot snaps included
see menu Services >> SSH >> SSH keys and menu Jobs >> ESXi hot-snaps [Help]
Jan, 11
fix: show snapdate in Vsphere, preset vmid in post-script
Jan, 16
autoscrub: show status
improved menu Jobs > remote to control replication sender
replicate: modify script, problems with stream errors fixed (work in progress)
Jan, 23
include ESXi hotsnaps: allow any commands in pre or post scripts (not only ssh)
Snapshot: mass delete: allow a delete from replication number to number
Feb 03,2015
Alert on Joberror not working
Job-Overview, Joblog on last 10 run can be shown in orange when everything was ok
Feb 16,2015
Replication: random receive/stream error (this error is hopely finally fixed, please report problems)
Replication: new job parameter- discard replications with snapsize=0
Replication: detailled logging
Job-Overview: show source snapsize on replications
Job alerts: only once a day
Snapjobs: Filter snaps with and criteria
Feb 28, 2015
Replication: some warnings are logged as an error. They are now logged as warnings
napp-it 0.9 f3 (default)
Nov 19, 2014
Comstart create view: sets random/manual LUN number to allow unique settings for HA/ RFS-1 configs
Comstar LU create/ modify: allows decimalvalues
Consistent units (ex G=GiB), LU creation allows/shows binary (GiB) and decimal (GB) units
Menu ZFS filesystems: display ACL on Shares with folder-ACL everyone@=none
Menu ZFS Filesystems: displayproblems for properties fixed (with filesystem creation string from german time settings)
same in menu ZFS filesystems - destroy (Datestring cause displayproblems with a date like Tue 1 8:13 due double spaces)
updated websocketserver to Mojolicious 5.49
menu zfs filesystems -> acl row: mouseover shows ACL details
acl-extension: reset ACL recursively to everyone=modify is a free option
monitor extension: snapshot mass delete as a background task option
Solaris 11: inherit fs version (5 or 6) from pool to newly created filesystem (to keep v28.5 on new filesystems)
Solaris 11: /var/web-gui/data/napp-it/CGI/Mojo/Date.pm - modifier use time or websocketserver does not run
SSH service: allow user (ex root only)
Feb 03,2015
Alert on Joberror not working
napp-it 0.9 f2 (napp-it Pro bugfix release)
23.08.2014 new: disk-details show vdev number
bugfix: disk-details shows wrong vdev type on a failed disk
acl-extension: simplified and faster ACL reset
repli-extension: problem with two source server ips when ip1 is part of ip2
disk remove: remove failed disks
menu disk - hotplug - configure/ unconfigure: menu removed as it is not needed with modern hardware
this is not a napp-it error on replications wirh napp-it <= 0.8 fixed
bugfix acl extension: special characters in path like & allowed
napp-it 0.9f1 default (should run on Linux after logout/login opt you need a /etc/init.d stop; /etc/init.d/start)
18.08.2014 Set admin password on Linux/Ubuntu14 failed (problem with crypt function) fixed
17.07.2014 SAS2 Slot detection works even if LSI GUID is not exactly included in WWN
10.07.2014 Menu user: delete button missing
02.06.2014 Update of Mojolicious websocketserver to 5.0 (increase stability of realtime graphs)
01.06.2014 Fix a bug that creates duplicated entries in /etc/hosts on reboots
30.05.2015 Simplify TLS mail setup (needed for Googlemail), see menu Jobs-TLS Email - help
29.05.2014 Bugfix with email jobs
23.05.2014 Support for Ubuntu 14LTS
22.05.2014 Replikation error fixed on some configs: failed to read from stream
Some fixes for Linux, should now mostly run on f1, please logout/login after update
21.05.2014 Bugfix in menu snapshots
17.05.2014 Shorttermlog (realtime last 60s of CPU, pools and disks) with cpu%, w%,b% and read, write and wait per sec
15.05.2014 Problem with Perl and Expect/ IO.TTy modules on OmniOS; napp-it evaluates which version to use
14.05.2014 wget installer supports smartmontools on OmniOS 15010
14.05.2014 support for Solaris 11.2
Pool-create supports Pool 28v5 (all platforms)
new menu disks-smartinfo with foreground/background refresh and onscreen log
Menu Comstar-Create target: wrong menu, please reload 0.9f1 preview
12.05.2014 support for OmniOS 151010 (problem with IO::Tty and Expect fixed)
04.05.2014 - create a BE prior online updates
02.05.2014 - Extension-Monitor-Feature: Top-level-menu "Mon" enables background statistic collection.
You can monitor via realtime graphs in menu about and below menu Extension-Realtime-Monitor
Feature: Clickable statuslights with more infos.
To restart Monitor, disable/ enable top menu "Mon"
feature: Monitor extensions translates target names from error logs to WWN names (Disks-SAS2)
All-Pro-Versions - Feature: Top-level-menu "Acc" enables GUI acceleration by background tasks.
Replication extension: reports if source ZFS is not available instead of a stream error message
Comstar: period allowed in names
You can go back from 0.9f1 to 0.9e1 without a reboot if you select "download e1" .

60 s chart with write throttling
napp-it 0.9e2L preview, universal release for OI, OmniOS, S11.1 and Linux (Debian7, Ubuntu 12 LTS)
01.03.2014 menu zfs filesystems-ACL on folders: wrong path
20.02.2014 bugfix: smartmontools not working
05.02.2014 basic usermanagement (Linux)
1002.2014 new arcstat.pl in Menu System-Statistics-ARC (Illumos)
napp-it 0.9e2 nightly, update for napp-it pro (no reboot required from 0.9a3+)
25.01.2014 wrong menu: Comstar-Target-Create Target
15.01.2014 replication extension: bugfix with identical source/target
12.01.2014 bugfix with jobtrigger like mon-fri, sat-sun
napp-it 0.9e1 default for napp-it free (no reboot required from 0.9a3+)
02.05.2014 you can downgrade from 0.9f1 without a reboot
20.04.2014 bugfix: acl-extension - modify aclset on shares
11.04.2014 bugfix with menu Comstar - create Thin LU
25.01.2014 wrong menu: Comstar-Target-Create Target
15.01.2014 replication extension: bugfix with identical source/target
12.01.2014 bugfix with jobtrigger like mon-fri, sat-sun
07.01.2014 iSCSI as a ZFS filesystem property
log: caller (path of function calls)
new day trigger mon-fri, mon-sat, sat-sun, first-sat, first-sun
new minute trigger once (execute once after each reboot)
disk buffering is enabled only on systems with more than 30 disks
zfs buffering is enabled only on systems with more than 100 filesystems
menu disk-mirror rpool supports Solaris 11.1 (attach disk only)
iSCSI as a zfs sharing property in menu zfs-folders (supports replicated volumes)

napp-it 0.9e1 first preview (work in progress), update for napp-it pro (no reboot required from 0.9a3+)
16.11.2013 fix: UUID error message in AFP sharing
04.11.2013 fix: restrict client in napp-it settings had blocked always
03.11.2013 wget installer: install smartmontools 6.2
30.10.2013 More consistent service menus, new service tftp
Apache vhost, ftp, rsync as a ZFS filesystem property
with support for Includes, Modules (phpmyadmin, mySQL, phpvbox, Owncloud etc)
see also: AMPO add-on
Replication: immediate service state monitor update in joblist
SMB shares and replication: support ABE
New Services:

napp-it 0.9d2 (free version, use menu about - update without reboot from napp-it 0.9a3+)
04.11.2013 fix: restrict client in napp-it settings (always blocking when set)
03.11.2013 wget installer: install smartmontools 6.2
Xampp menus removed (use ampo setup)
napp-it 0.9d1 (free version, use menu about - update without reboot from napp-it 0.9a3+)
13.10.2013 feature: added support for proftpd
install as a service on Illumos based systems: wget -O - www.napp-it.org/proftpd | perl
feature: newest rsync rel 3.1.0 in /var/web-gui/data/tools/rsync/
11.10.2013 Servicemenu use ampo setup
09.10.2013 System-Localisation: works now with zone only
29.09.2013 Feature: Autosnap with hold snaps for n days
Warning in autosnap-create: do not enable "delete zerosnaps" on filesystems that are autoreplicated
28.09.2013 bugfix: Unwanted deletion of source snaps on incremental replications
20.9.2013 Feature: replication, hold unkept snaps for n days
19.9.2013 Feature: Replication, keep snaps ending to a regex like _1,10 (commalist, . keeps all)
18.9.2013 Feature: Disk Partition support enable/disable
Feature: Jobs, highlight errorrs
Feature: Netstatus (Status overview for appliances), menu extensions-netmonitor
Bugfix: alert on Jobs
Update: sas2ircu r16
napp-it 0.9c2 (Update for Pro version, use menu about - update without reboot from napp-it 0.9a3+)
14.9.2013 Register new keys, error load_lib disk_status fixed
hostname rename update in /etc/hosts
remove invalid keys (extensions > register >oldkeys)
17.08.2013 email alert, problem with repeat alerts every day
01.08.2013 bugfix with iscsi radius and chap (wrong path), update with menu napp-it-update
bugfix: edit jobparameter in menu create jobs
bugfix: delete snap with size zero=0 with setting delzero=no
bugfix: Solaris 11.1: re-establish shares after unlock
minor fix: supress minilog in Comstar - create LU
add message: delete evalkey after adding a pro key or you cannot update to newest
napp-it 0.9c1
feature del user deletes smb pw in /var/smb/smbpasswd
Logo shows free/eval/pro
ext.: Disks, Smart and SAS values are discovered in the background and
buffered > 1h (needed for very large disk arrays)
feature: menu disks- smartinfo: display last selfcheck result
feature menu disk - hw, added pciscan
bugfix: zfs overview, wrong acl info with folders containing more than 999 files
25.05.2013 Update to netatalk 3.0.4 via wget -O - www.napp-it.org/afp | perl (thanks to Rick for updating)
(OmniOS is currently on 3.0.3), Version 3.0.3 keeps available via updatescript afp303
napp-it 0.9b3 (Update for Pro version, use menu about - update without reboot from napp-it 0.9a3+)
04.11.2013 fix: restrict client in napp-it settings had blocked always
13.10.2013 feature: added support for proftpd,
install as a service on Illumos based systems: wget -O - www.napp-it.org/proftpd | perl
feature: newest rsync rel 3.1.0 in /var/web-gui/data/tools/rsync/
11.10.2013 Servicemenu use ampo setup
09.10.2013 System-Localisation: works now with zone only
14.09.2013 hostname rename update in /etc/hosts
remove invalid keys (extensions > register >oldkeys)
17.08.2013 email alert, problem with repeat alerts every day
01.08.2013 bugfix with iscsi radius and chap (wrong path), update with menu napp-it-update
06.06 Logo shows free/eval/pro
feature: private language files: /var/web-gui/_my/zfsos/_lib/lang/XX/ (use Upper case private language folder)
feature: force language: /var/web-gui/_my/zfsos/_lib/lang/MY!/ (language folder name must be MY!)
feature: aclmode=restricted is added and default on create ZFS (if supported, https://www.illumos.org/issues/3254)
acl extension support for aclmode=restricted
extension monitor: autosnap adds logging of md5 hashes
benchmark: iostat bench defaults 1g
filebench added
napp-it 0.9b2 (Update for Pro version, use menu about - update without reboot from napp-it 0.9a3+)
feature: menu disk configure/offline
menu disk -details prtconf shows phys sectorsize
bugfix: import volumebased LU with _ in name
comstart import LU with force id (fix errormess)
acl ext: reset acl in background for large amount of files
Gui use webfonts, better page-width control
addon Snapraid3 (supports pooling with SAMBA or NFS)
22.4. netatalk 3.0.3 (all suported platforms) via wget -O - www.napp-it.org/afp | perl (thanks to Rick for updating)
v 3.02 keeps available via installer afp302
Update to 0.9: If you update from 0.8 or earlier: You MUST reboot after running the wget installer!
If you get an error on updates to 0.9a8 about missing scripts,
move /var/web-gui/data/napp-it/_lib/ to /var/web-gui/data/napp-it/zfsos/_lib/ or rerun wget updater
If you cannot currently allow a reboot:
- You must re-activate current BE as active BE after reboot (NR) in menu Snap-Boot environments
napp-it 0.9b1 (Update for Pro version, use menu about - update without reboot from napp-it 0.9a3+)
19.03 Comstar import LU: Option to set rw and to set GUID (both needed on replicated volumes) on errors
stmfadm: data file error or stmfadm: meta file error
18.03 new menu: System - Fault (fmd log)
18.03 new menu: Disk - Details - Prtconf infos
new: Mediatomb runs on OmniOS bloody
Mediatomb is now included in "napp-it to Go"
or install via wget -O - www.napp-it.org/mediatomb | sh
napp-it 0.9a9 (default - online update without reboot from napp-it 0.9a3+)
or (re)install via wget -O - www.napp-it.org/nappit | perl
18.03 bugfix: mediatomb settings
04.03 Supress console messages due to missing /etc/host entry (check on reboot set hostname in menu system-network-hostname)
28.02 Supress sudo console messages (after reboot) or add the following two lines to /etc/sudoers
Defaults logfile=/dev/null
Defaults !syslog
To remove Solaris_audit Console alerts: add an entry for each ip to
/etc/hosts (menu system-network-hosts) like hostname
27.02 Localization, menu System-Hardware-Localization (Timezone, Language, Keyboard)
napp-it 0.9a8
25.02 Feature Flags (menu Pools -Features) and LZ4 compression (http://wiki.illumos.org/display/illumos/LZ4+Compression )
23.02 ZFS filesystem - create: add ZFS v.5 option for Solaris 11
20.02 bugfix: acl-extension, reset acl and set acl details
napp-it 0.9a7 (update without reboot from napp-it 0.9a3+)
Mediatomb add-on is OpenIndiana only, Howto for OmnisOS wanted
18.02 more MediaTomb settings
feature: menu Service - Bonjour (register or start other setup services on boot)
15.02 MediaTomb: Add menu AddOns - Mediatomb - Settings
12.02 community add-on: Mediatomb (thanks to Chris), install via: wget -O - www.napp-it.org/mediatomb | sh
08.02 Comstar: Target portal groups over aggr
07.02 bugfix: edit jobparameter when monitor is disabled
bugfix: avoid popup window behind menus
feature: keep dhcp IP when goint to static
06.02 feature: pool - benchmark added iozone
napp-it 0.9a6
05.02 modification: info about not disconnected encrypted pools are cleared on bootup
04.02. feature: SnapRaid included
feature: monitor extension: edit vnics, vlans and aggregations
30.01. bugfix: enable auto-service when root crontab was empty, Dow problem fixed
29:01. feature: User mapping via GUI
feature: delete snaps: select/deselect all
28.01. feature: ACL extension: File and foldernames with European characters. umlauts and ' allowed
feature: ACL extension: User and group-quotas (Menu ZFS filesystems - used)
28.01. bugfix: minor bugfixes in monitoring/SAS2 extension and ACL extension
22.01.2013 napp-it 0.9a5
followed by a reboot and a re-enter of the root pw via passwd root
an update you may check and/or recreate your jobs due to a new
jobmanagement with editable timer and job-settings and reenable
auto-service. On a fresh install, you can try all extensions for 30
days. After that, you have a regular free version.
You can go back to a former napp-it 0.8 with system-snaps.
Changelog 0.9a5 newest nightly
22.01 Bugfix on first login: Menu description of setup menu is missing
18.01 Autojob enable 1/15 min: changeable without disable, auto-cronjob first on list of cronjobs
Encrypted pools: lock-connect without the need of an extra zfs reload
All menus and messages can be translated to other languages (German
nearly complete). If you like, you can translate napp-it with menu
About - Translate (at least about_menus and about_basics) and send the
files to community@napp-it.org
Changelog 0.9a4 nightly
14.1. replication keeps only two newest snaps
- disks without partition are discovered and can be used without pre-initialisation (when not blocking parted)
- acl extension: add user with any UID
- remote Replication -I/-i switch
Changelog 0.9a3: (you can go to newest 0.9 daily via Menu About - Update without a reboot)
10.01.2013 add user allows uid/gid settings for better NFS
compatibility, fixed bug in atojob that fires a 23h job also at 2 and 3h
- 09.01.2013 v 0.9a3 alows multiple downloads of same basic version (with different date) via menu about updates
to allow minifixes without a new release number
- menu override via mylib.pl (see menu 'My menus')
- 07.01.2013 v0.9a2 nightly
Bugfix: create snapjob (Size=0), Statusmail with day not equal every
Menu Snap-be: activate BE, (mass) delete boot snapshots, create be
Menu Jobs: Mass delete jobs (available when monitor=off)
Menu disk - mirror bootdisk (first beta, please test)
- 05.01.2013 afp installer fixes a problem with "user cannot login" in Solaris 11.1 and supports Illumian
- 04.01. Bugfix with old replication jobs after update from 0.8 (request my ip error)
- 03.01. Online Updater now working for further updates (Menu about updates)
- 02.01. Updater keeps old log settings (but you must check and optionally recreate jobs), email alert updates last run
- 31.12. newest OmniOS bloody 28.12. now working
- 30.12. bugfixes with TLS email, menu snaps-delete, hoverarea to popup minilog reduced to 6px, job overview displays TLS
- 28.12. change Version vom 0.9 preview to 0.9a.1, improved pool overview (raw/usable capacity)
27.12 reset ACL to current folder: keep ACL order, Movable log working
with Firefox, prepare installer09 to become default, Solaris 11 folder
- 26.12 Log and Edit Windows movable, bug fixed with setting share-ACL
- 25.12 Happy Christmas: new menu disk -initialize to initialize new or unrecognized disks with missing partition table
- 21.12 selectboxes to select and delete multiple snaps and datasets an once
- 21.12 bugfix set hostname
- 18.12. bugfix with disk detection and partition disk (all partitions same size)
- 17.12. bugfix with OmniOS stable edition (perl Tty error) and fixed problems of the installer with OmniOS
- localisation 16.12: you can edit menus, css, logo, possible updates (updatesave),
for distributors or if you like to configure on customers demand
- improvement 15.12. evening: rollover menus now active without the need to wait that the whole page is loaded.
- bugfix 15.12 : disk detection, list available/ unavailable disk: problem with parted solved on some configs, minor fixes
- bugfix 13.12 : nfs and afp sharing, minor fixes
- first developer preview of next napp-it 0.9 (09.12.2012)
Update from 0.8 and lower requires a wget install followed by a reboot.
Beside replication, you must recreate all jobs.
- improved disk detection (hot plug)
- improved performance for disk details and smart infos
- smart: start short/long checks
- support for disk partitions
- disk detection with disks like c3d1 fixed
- UNAVAIL disk replace with GUID disk not working
- jobmanagement: edit timetable and parameter, code and logs optimized, all actions in separate files
- monitor extension:
topmenu edit = display cli commands, return values and hashvalues without reload
log actions, realtime mini log, realtime page update
- replication extension: code and logs optimized, massive speed improvements with buffered transfer
- acl extension: new feature: reset ACL recursively to current folder settings, bugfix with resetting files
- manual network settings: bugfix
- 30 day evaluation of extensions included
supported mainly on
OmniOS stable
OpenIndiana 151 a5+ developer releases
mostly running on (out of the box, some apps are missing like bonnie, netatalk, or smartmontools):
Nexenta - Illumian 1.0 (base of NexentaStor4): supported
Oracle Solaris 11.1
no longer supported or supported only up to napp-it 0.8:
Nexenta - NexentaCore 3 (base of NexentaStor 3):
Oracle OpenSolaris, Solaris Express, Solaris 11.0
There is a lot of new code in this release.
Please send buginfos to community@napp-it.org
12.10.2012 netatalk 3
afp installer: wget -O - www.napp-it.org/afp | perl
installs netatalk 3.01
23.09.2012 Request napp-it PRO evaluation key online:
request evaluation key
20.09.2012 0.8l2/3 default, installable via
wget -O - www.napp-it.org/nappit08 | perl
downgrade from 0.8l gives an error in module interface.pl
Hostdependant Prokeys not working
If you want to use replication with napp-it 0.9 where you get a "not a napp-it server"
Copy files /var/web-gui/wwwroot/napp-it to /var/web-gui/wwwroot/ (two files admin.pl and admin-lib.pl)