Current releases:
current napp-it free: 22.03 free (free for commercial and noncommercial use) without Pro extensions
current napp-it Pro: 25.01 (Pro/Support Edition)
newest napp-it dev: 25.dev (bloody, preversion of 25.06)
Pro features or updates to newest napp-it or dev releases are enabled with a Pro or Eval key.
Napp-it Pro users
please update to newest Pro with support for bugfixes.
Some features are only available with a Pro key in newest release.
Machine id licenses
From v.18 napp-it Pro uses machine id keys that depend on the mac adress of a nic..
On a barebone setup the id is based on the first physical nic (machine id ends with m90) to allow a re-install.
To swap a license online, goto http://napp-it.org/extensions/swap en.html
On problems:
Check if there is a newer Pro version (About > Update).
Reload this edition then
or try the newest dev edition, the development line with newest features. This edition may be unstable
About napp-it release numbers
The release numbers of napp-it based on year and month followed by a..z for smaller bugfixes
minor updates of Illumos/ OmniOS every few weeks and a major update every few months
The release number consist of year.month with a
free release, updated from time to time. Only napp-it Pro can update to newest bugfix releases.
pro or support release, all professional users are suggested to use the most recent release with newest fixes
developer or nightly release, ongoing development, unstable
You can update/downgrade between last 5 releases without a reboot
Please update to newest Pro edition in Menu About >> Update
Depreciated warnings in file admin-lib.pl after update to OmniOS 151050
Update napp-it to newest free or Pro release
napp-it 25.dev
03.Jan TLS send via Net::SMTP and smptuser as from adress (most mailserver reject unknown from adresses)
21.Feb napp-it cs included, download 25.dev twice as updater needs an update too (new toplevel meni csgui)
napp-it 25.01c
03.Jan TLS send via Net::SMTP and smptuser as from adress (most mailserver reject unknown from adresses)
03.Feb local replication get snappair
napp-it 24.dev
29.Apr replication limits remote snap request to source filesystem
15. Jan corrupted iozone benchmark fixed
10. Jan Pool > Iostat with 5s disk details
06. Feb, Replication jobs report timeout errors ex when the sender machine is too slow and cannot finish send due a timeout
10.Feb Menu Pools shows details about dedup and special vdevs, extended menu Pools > features and vdevs
26. May zfslib restore share ACL (CF)
11.Oct supports Perl 5.40 up from OmniOS 151051
napp-it 24.06
Nov 11 Support for Perl 5.40 in OmniOS 151052
napp-it 24.01
20. Jun Create filesystem allows to deactivate utf8only (ex needed for rsync to NFS3 shares with umlauts, all napp-it releases)
11.Oct supports Perl 5.40 up from OmniOS 151051
napp-it 23.06
30.Apr First beta of ESXi VM restore (from ZFS snaps on NFS datastores with embedded ESXi snaps)
26. Apr Up/downgrade via https fails to reload services properly (fixed in 21.06 and 22.06+)
13. Apr Autosnap and replication jobs can include ESXi hot memory/qiesce snaps via Soap or ssh
05. Apr new feature: Autosnap and replication jobs can include ESXi hot memory snaps via Soap
23. Mar Apache https problem on Solaris 11.4 fixed
25.Feb New menu System > ESXi > Snap automate (ESXi Snapmanagement)
19. Feb SOAP community script to manage ESXi (menu System > ESXi)
can be used for pre autosnap actions to include ESXi snaps in ZFS snaps
27. Jan report alerts via webapi ex Telegram
22. Jan TLS send problem in OmniOS 151044 fixed, see https://www.napp-it.org/downloads/tls.html
19.Jan first beta of user autiting and filesystem monitoring (menu Services)
18. Jan About > Settings allows to swap remote_addr: wrong-ip=correct-ip (also in 22.03)
This is needed for grouping on site to site VPNs with port forwardingwhen remote client addr is wrongly detected
napp-it 22.03 free
runs with newest OpenIndiana (21.06 has problems)
supports Perl 5.40 up from OmniOS 151051
wget installer
17. Aug wget installer updates OmniOS to most current, optionally reboot when needed, restart wget installer then again.
this fixes a problem with OmniOS 151038 and pkg
napp-it 22.dev
15. dec SMB: Remember share ACL, skip snaps
09. dec Prior modifying MTU a backup BE is created to allow an easy undo on nic problems after the change
02. dec 'Other job' script to remotely start a backupserver when needed, perl /var/web-gui/_log/jobs/other_job_examples/remote_up_down_ipmi.pl
28. nov network settings: allow to set mtu when link is up
22. nov: new Feauture for SMB share acl: restore last or set restricted share acl when enabling a share
18. aug Disk > Mirror rpool initiated as background task
11.okt Menu About shows minio online when disabled (fixed in all current releases)
Menu Disk > add does not show basis vdevs properly
napp-it 22.06
21.jul Jobs overview: Filter
07.jun Services > SMB: show connected user and open files (disconnect/close via Windows computermanagement)
22. mar replicate keep month problem for repli snaps in current year
03.jun wrong attribute for smart disk temp on sata20. jan replication fix for keep month diff problem
24. jan speedup svcs overview
08. feb nc on centos nc -l nr (debian nc -l -p nr)
09. feb Telegram webapi line 55, wrong double quote
10. feb recursiv replication: set destination mountpoint to /destpool/destfs
recursiv and writable can be edited in job settings
03.mar Report checks fmdump for major problems
04. mar First steps touse Apache for https, see https://napp-it.org/extensions/amp en.html
06.mar napp-it up from 21.06 supports Solaris 11 CBE (Mar 2022 edition)
08.mar first beta with Apache instead mini_httpd
prior an update on OmniOS, run: pkg install server/apache-24
on start problems after an up/downgrade, run:
/etc/init.d/napp-it start
15.mar Apache is running on port 80 for http and 443 for https
Timeout remote control 120s
25.mar rename /var/web-gui/_my/tools/apache/no.apache.cfg to
/var/web-gui/_my/tools/apache/no.apache to disable napp-it on Apache (if you use it from pkgsrc)
7.apr netcat wait for remote control setable in about > settings
Linux replication: grouplib request zfs send start via taskserver (instead at now)
29.apr Fix Tty.so problem on OpenIndiana with Perl 5.22 (current 21.06, 22.01, 22.dev)
15.may allowed management ip (regex) ex or or 192.168.1[01].10 or commalist,
napp-it 22.01a
current Pro
napp-it 22.01b
replication fix for keep month diff problem
fix a multiline error problem on push alerts
restore smb settings like abe or name after lock/unlock or auto unlock
support for Threema API (first steps), full gdpr compliant messenger
improved push alerts
S3/minIO, new console at port 800x, ROOT_USER and ROOT_PASSWORD
newcertfolder: /var/web-gui/_log/minio/certs
fix for Pushover
Webapi for Push job alerts, ex Pushover, SendinBlue ot Telegram
bulk optimization (CF)
modified Timemachine over SMB and Time Capsule start (single command)
backup job, save restore napp-it.cfg and bonjour.sh
napp-it 21.06a
new free and pro base
fix utf8 tab problem when editing system files
Pool > Benchmark available
fix for false smart warning/ prediction
snaps shown wrongly as cloned
Support for OmniOS 151039/40
Replication:: increase timeout on job monitoring to avoid unwanted job interruptions on slow systems, less RAM
or with many snaps or filesystems, improved behaviour with replications started at once from same source
napp-it 21.01b11
fix utf8 tab problem when editing system files
Replication: modified keep and hold processing
napp-it 21.01b9
snaps shown wrongly as cloned
napp-it 21.01b8
fix for false smart warning/ prediction
napp-it 21.01b7
Support for OmniOS 151039/40
napp-it 21.01b6
When a Pro version expires, you must downgrade
Improved behaviour when starting many replications
Replication: bug in keep months on year change fixed
Replication: max of years,months,days,,numbers in keep
Replication: hours > current day
Replication: check hold number (ex10s) or days (ex 20)