napp-it SE Solaris/Illumos Edition
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napp-it cs client server
  • noncommercial home use

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Details: Featuresheet.pdf



is the main platform for a local regular napp-it ZFS server


To setup
- download newest stable or long term stable (iso or usb installer)
- boot installer and setup OS
- update to newest OS state via 'pkg update', reboot
- add napp-it via wget online installer

wget -O -  | perl

Known problems::

napp-it cs with ZFS on OmniOS

- Install OmniOS
- after installation, login as root
- install midnight commander: pkg install mc
- install smartmontools: pkg install smartmontools

download newest napp-it CS and upload csweb-gui to /var

After first download add an auth string to /opt/web-gui/server.auth (WinSCP)
Use the same auth string in your memberfile in the web-gui client
Server auth (like all keys in napp-it cs) must be hex values 0-9a-f as they can be generated safely from an easy to remember short pw.

Web-gui management

You can now manage your Free-BSD ZFS server remotely from any browser.
(Start frontend client with Apache webserer on Windows)

Anonymous SMB access (kernelbased SMB server)
add a local user guest without pw
smbadm enable-user guest

Anoymous access via  SAMBA
via smb.conf


1. download OmniOS

1b. create a bootable USB setup stick

You can setup OmniOS from USB  (use usb-dd file, 1 GB+ USB stick) or CD (.iso)
You can use this imager
to transfer the usb image to your stick (Windows)

2. Install OmniOS to a dedicated systemdisk, name of the systempool must be rpool !!

The size of the boot SSD should be at  at least 32 GB and at least 2 x RAM size.
Due its reliability and powerloss protection I suggest an Intel SSD 35xx 80GB or 120GB

- Boot the OS Installer from an USB stick
- Install OmniOS to your bootdisks onto a pool named rpool

3. Configure network

At the end of the system disk setup process, select
1. Configure the installed OmniOS, select then 1. Configure Networking
Set networking to dhcp, optionally enable SSH

Reboot now!

4. install napp-it (newest free)
wget -O - | perl

reboot after installation of napp-it  (or check napp-it menu "Snapshots > Bootenvorinments" that current BE is default) or

Re-enter a password for root, this will create an additional SMB passord to allow root to connect via SMB with full file permissions.
Optionally or when you get a permission error in the GUI, set a pw for napp-it.

passwd root

passwd napp-it

Start napp-it from your Desktop via Browser

http://serverip:81 (use real server-ip of your server)
You can check your ip at console with command

6. Optionally
- update napp-it (Menu About  > Update)
- update OmniOS to newest patch state: pkg update

Read my manual about setup napp-it: napp-it os.pdf

7. Midnight Commander

Midnight commander (mc) is a filebrowser that allows viewing and editing files from text console.

Mc is in the OmniOS repository and installed by the current nappit installer.

If midnight commander does not show correct borders ex in Putty:
- open Putty settings Window > Translation: modify ex from UTF-8 to ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1, West Europe)
- reconnect

napp-it settings

OmniOS 151018 enables sendmail per default Beside other problems it is spamming the console
unless you enter a fqdn hostname or disable sendmail (with current napp-it in menu sendmail)

OmniOS 151018 and up
Enable Windows browsing (this requires a Windows Master Browser ex Windows server in your network)
Set netbios_enable=true (allow Windows network browsing) in menu Services > SMB > properties

SMB guest access
Create a user with name guest (pw does not matter), set „smbadm enable-user guest“ and use guest to connect

Tuning (Pro feature)
Run menu System > Tuning (base tuning)

Setup Options

Option: manual Install on ESXi (5.5 or newer, suggested 7.0U1), you can also use my ova. template

create a new VM (Solaris 10-64) with e1000 and/or  vmxnet3 vnic  (25GB+ suggested)
use 2 GB min RAM (best is 8GB+  or 1/3 of available) and 2 cores
upload the boot iso to ESXi and connect the iso to your virtual DVD drive

Read my manual about setup napp-in-one:

Option: manual setup network. Network is set to (per default): network/physical:default,
only needed if you have not configured network at the end of step 2.

enter blue commands at console

create interface
- list available interfaces and use linkname ex e1000g0:

(optional: enable Jumbo Frames first: dladm set-linkprop -p mtu=9000 e1000go)

dladm show-link
ipadm create-if e1000g0

Option: use DHCP (or skip to 6.0 to use a static adress)
ipadm create-addr -T dhcp e1000g0/dhcp

add nameserver
echo 'nameserver' >> /etc/resolv.conf

use dns (copy over DNS template)
cp /etc/nsswitch.dns /etc/nsswitch.conf

If something happens (typo error), retry, opt. delete interface ex ipadm delete-if e1000g0

Option:  add static IP address
  create static adress
  ipadm create-addr -T static -a e1000g0/v4

  add default route
  route -p add default

If something happens (typo error), retry, opt. delete interface ex ipadm delete-if e1000g0

Modify OS defaults

The OmniOS defaults are suboptimal regarding network settings (ip-buffer), NFS settings, AHCI Hotplug behaviour (disabled per default) or disk timeouts (up to 3 minutes on problems, way to high should be reduced to a TLER alike timeout of 7s).

On napp-it Pro, you can enable improved settings with the base tuning option in System > System Tuning

Option:. enable remote root access
Napp-it menu Services-SSH allow root

(Re) Enter a root pw at consoler: passwd root (this creates a SMB pw as well)
You are now able to connect via WinSCP (or putty) as root
passwd root

Option: Update OmniOS to newest patch state
 pkg update

Option:  opt. install TLS email to allow alerts to tls
see en.html

Reported Problems with 151018

Some seconds delay when accessong SMB shares from Windows 7

svccfg -s network/smb/server setprop smbd/oplock_enable=false

OmniOS not shown under Windows - Network
Solution: Set napp-it Services > SMB > Properties

Check OmniOS repos for other apps: and

or use the pkin repo from Joyent

Vmware-tools and OmniOS

Prefer the open-vmware tools from the OmniOS repository
 pkg install open-vm-tools

Midnight Commander
Midnight commander (mc) is a filebrowser that allows viewing and editing files from a text console.

Mc is not in the current repository but installed by the current nappit installer. To install it for an older setup, run:
wget -O -  | perl

If midnight commander does not show correct borders ex in Putty:
- open Putty settings Window > Translation: modify ex from UTF-8 to ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1, West Europe)
- reconnect

Option: menu set
You can select a menu set or language in menu About >> settings
In the menu set sol (Solaris) only thise services are available tht are included in a base Solaris system.

Option: network browsing
For current OmniOS with SMB 2.1, you must enable netbios to allow network browsing

In current napp-it, theb setting is in menu Services > SMB > Properties

Problems with

Some interactive commands like usermanagement that call passwd require the Expect modules.
This modules like IO::Tty are very sensitive to the installed Perl version.

For OmniOS i have included two versions of this modules. Mostly napp-it detects the correct version. If you get error messages
about Perl modules like IO::Tty try the following (usually OmniOS 151004, 151010):
cp -R /var/web-gui/data/tools/omni_bloody/CGI/. /var/web-gui/data/napp-it/CGI/

if this does not help, use the other variant: (usually OmniOS 1511006, 151008):
cp -R /var/web-gui/data/tools/omni_stable/CGI/. /var/web-gui/data/napp-it/CGI/

If you install any package that switches Perl defaults from Perl from 32 to 64 bit
Expect will not work as it requires 32 bit. Go back to a previous BE then.

napp-it 29.01.2025