napp-it licenses in short
Features of napp-it (overview)
1.) napp-it SE FREE edition
Permission granted for end-users to use and modify napp-it Free edition
freely and without charge (also commercial end-users) so long as this
copyright is maintained
and you do not distribute napp-it. You will
not get any warranty or support, use it as it is at your own risk! On
first install, you can evaluate all napp-it nonfree extensions for 30
days. After that, you can use napp-it unlimited but without the nonfree
extension features. You are not allowed to confugure on customers demand or give away napp-it.
2.) napp-it SE PRO Bundling licences to distribute appliances. You need one for every appliance
If you want to distribute napp-it, configure on behalf of a
customer or charge for it (alone or bundled with other software or
hardware), you need a Pro/Bundling license for each appliance. Pro versions include GUI performance improvements and one year free access to newest releases and nightly
bugfix editions.
3.) napp-it SE PRO Extensions
Extensions are nonfree extras like ACL and advanced user management,
Monitiring (Command-Log, Menuedit, Net and SAS2 Slotdetection) and
Remote appliance replication. Part of the complete extensio is
answering support emails (without guaranteed reaction time). The GUI
speed improvements and one year access to nightly and bugfix releases is
included. Die licence is valid for 1 year. (unlimited optional)
Developers extending the functionality of napp-it are allowed to use a
different licence for their add-ons and they are also allowed
to request a fee or donation to ensure further development. These non-free add-ons are called extensions.
4.) napp-it CS
Free for 3 server and noncommercial homeise
Otherwise you need a licensefor the number of servers in the servergroup